My little piece of Myself

I'm just gonna change this when I feel like it

Life's Silly-ness

Thursday, October 18, 2007


I trusted you. I thought if i give you mine and you'll give me yours. I thought we can be good friends. I thought, if i treat everyone good and they will do the same to me. But i was wrong, once they walk behind you, they will step you very hard until you can't even scream out. I thoutht you're different from them. I helped you so much, and that's the way you treat me back. I was thinking, what's the point that i'm helping you so much? I stayed for you, and you're the one who asked for that. And i'm here, i'm here for you. But look, look what you've done to me. All i ask is just your trust, and that's all. I've tried my best to help you, in everything. But now, i'm confused. I don't know can i still trust you or not. I spended 4 years to regconize you, and i thought you can be my good friend. Beside, we have a good time together. Unfortunately, i'm spended only half day to know that you're not that kind of guy that i expected. Or maybe i'm too good to be fool until you played me but i still have no any fucking idea to figure out what the hell was happened here... I don't know whether i should blame and disappoint on you or myself. Funny isn't it? Just stupid...

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