My little piece of Myself

I'm just gonna change this when I feel like it

Life's Silly-ness

Sunday, May 06, 2007


Saturday - boring

The house is getting hot and hot today. You will be melting if you do not on the air-cond... I was just sitting in my room and stare to my monitor the whole day. Playing games, chatting, listening to music... Study? No.

Homeworks on tomorrow. Oral on Tuesday. Hopefully the fatty won't ffk again. Exam start on Friday. Even on Saturday.

Pelantikan Penagawas will be held on May 22th. But we still in exam-ing. What a busy month...

Things are happened so suddenly. All i need is time... Life is just so unfair. I'm sick of my life... Why must i?

bad day~
-just from the best damn yk-

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