My little piece of Myself

I'm just gonna change this when I feel like it

Life's Silly-ness

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Thursday - dead line

We can't make it to top 5. But unfortunately, we got number 6th again. It was close. How disappointed... We're rushing and totally out of tempo. But overall, we are better than last year.

Cried like hell after the competition. Thanks to my alto babies that always giving me support. And yet to Ganesh, Yi Hui, Jun Lim, Feh Fan, Ivan, Hon Lean, Choy Meng, Chi Hou, Samuel i guess, and a lot more that i don't even remember who else, they hug me and giving some strong words to me which i really appreciate it. And to MT, thanks for letting me sharing your bag. Thanks to everyone, Aimee, you're always the best. Sorry if i didn't mention your name here... All i can say is THANK YOU very much!

And of course, Sharon. I know you've tried very hard to chill me up but just not in this moment. You're always there to support me and i really very lucky to have you as my sis. Marianne, thanks for your words too. I really appreciate it a lot. And i wonder what's my surprise for tomorrow??? At last but not least, thanks to my mommy! Eventhough she was in thailand but still called me far from there...

Congrats to Sentosa, it's a great begining for the first year.

I'd lose in the competition but i won my friendship. That's enough for me.
Althought we lose, but we decided to keep on practice even harder than ever. Never give up...

Til then. Feel dead but yet still alive.

Avril Lavigne is always my favourite ---


i don't wanna talk about what day is today~
-just from the best damn yk-

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