My little piece of Myself

I'm just gonna change this when I feel like it

Life's Silly-ness

Monday, July 03, 2006


This is for MT... Sorry lo... I know the picture in that film you are not there, so, i've made this for you...

Let's get it start then...

Is it suai talking somethings bad behind a person? Errr.... I guess... No gua... If you really can't tahan that person, you can say what you want to say... Even CREAT some FUNNY PICTURE of it... hehe...

Yesterday night, me chatting with my frineds... *actually we are talking somethings bad about a person... kekekekek...* We've being crazy about that! All of us put his picture as our display picture... *yer... so bad la we all... haha...* Anyway, we are really **** that guy lo... heh... For those my belover friends that know who i'm talking about, please shut up, no need to say it out laaa... *later hurt him then not good laaa* hahaha...

Mmm... For The Chuah Twins, too bad no one celebrate for your birthbay, but i promise, you'll get some surprise on friday... Shhh... Can't tell now, secret. And erm... I've found this in CH's blog, i think it is very suitable for my alto babies... Let's take a look...

haha... A Crying Bun!!!

Ok laaa... I'm just joking... Sorry... =( But it's really suit you all lo... hehehe... =) Better stop crying lo... Choir is not gonna die soon la... Why cry here cry there... One person cry here then another sure follow leh... I'm not gonna die laaa... Don't cry for me ok? *wa... ... so...perasan!!!* haha...

We need SEMANGAT now!!! So stop crying and SMILE ok?! SMILE! SMILEEEE!!!! ~~~ >_< gay smile... heh...

Oh by the way, where the hell should we go on friday after the larian??!!!


tyoriginal said...


yvonne_k said...

kkk... MV lo... now im waitin their reply... ok sotong?!

tyoriginal said...

not ok! MV!

yvonne_k said...

yer... sotong pin tai liao...